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Take to the Streets on September 1st Against Imperialist Aggression and Fascism!

September 1st is a day of struggle against imperialist aggression, unjust wars, fascism, and racism. The Second Imperialist War, which began with Germany’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, claimed the lives of millions. The aggression of German imperialism under Hitler, which plunged the world into war, is remembered as a dark stain in human history. Consequently, September 1st is commemorated worldwide as a day of resistance against imperialist wars. On this day, protests are organised in the streets, raising slogans for ultimate peace against imperialist wars, occupations, fascism, and racism.

The sharpening contradictions between imperialist blocs are increasingly laying the groundwork for a new war in the world. The occupations in the Middle East, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Israel’s occupation attacks on Palestine, and the attacks of the fascist Turkish state on Kurdistan continue to leave deep scars across the globe. Imperialist aggression also forces millions of people to leave their homes and become refugees.

Neoliberal policies have plunged the imperialists into a more painful process, hindering the accumulation of capital and leading to reactionary laws and war policies. These policies manifest in increased military budgets and the spread of regional wars. The increase in arms production and budgets in Europe, combined with efforts to strengthen NATO against the rising powers of Russia and China, aims to suppress the anger of oppressed peoples by diverting their focus to different agendas.

In recent years, rising financial crises and neoliberal policies in Europe have deepened the impact on social life by intensifying attacks on the working class. This situation paves the way for the riseof racism and fascism, increasing discrimination and hate crimes against immigrants and minority groups.

The rise of racism and internal fascism in Europe is fueled by factors such as economic crises and the influx of immigrants. This leads to the strengthening of radical right-wing parties and the questioning of democracy and human rights. Laws passed in EU countries, especially in Germany and France, have increased attacks on immigrants and refugees. These laws restrict the basic rights of immigrants, scapegoating them as the cause of the crisis.

We must develop a common struggle of all democratic forces in Europe against unjust wars, fascism, and racism. Imperialism not only fuels external aggression but also promotes militarism and racism within. As ATİK, we call on all local and immigrant workers and laborers to join the common struggle against imperialist wars, racism, and fascism on September 1st!

PDF: ATİK-Take to the Streets on September 1st Against Imperialist Aggression and Fascism!

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