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Global climate strike on 15 September 2023

Together against exploitation and oppression The annual climate strike is coming up and the Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe (ATİK) calls on you to participate in demonstrations around the world on this day. Let us make a powerful statement together, rising up against the ruling order. Millions of people are on the run, not only from wars, but …

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THE WAR OF THE RULERS IS DESTRUCTION; LET’S RAISE THE STRUGGLE AGAINST DESTRUCTION! Due to the anniversary of the 2nd Imperialist Sharing War, which started with Germany’s invasion of Poland, 1 September has started to be celebrated as “World Peace Day”. These wars of aggression, in which the rulers both cause and play the victim, bring destruction on the front …

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UPOTUDAK: Palestinian Prisoner Khader Adnan Died in Israeli Dungeons! His murderer is the State of Israel!

We Defend the Lives of Political Prisoners in the Dungeons of Israel and All Occupying, Fascist Governments! Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan, who became the symbol of resistance against Israel’s detention-arrest policies, which has an important place in the struggle of the Palestinian people against the occupying Israeli state, became immortal today on the 87th day of his hunger strike. The …

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Uluslararası Sempozyum Sonuç Birdirgesi-UPOTUDAK

TÜM POLİTİK TUTSAKLARA ÖZGÜRLÜK ULUSLARARASI SEMPOZYUM SONUÇ BİLDİRGESİ Emperyalist-kapitalist sistemin krizi her geçen gün derinleşiyor. Bunun sonucunda da yönetenler ile yönetilenler arasındaki uçurum derinleşiyor, diğer yandan dünyanın pek çok ülkesinde toplumsal muhalefet güçlerine yönelik saldırılar da yoğunlaşıyor. Sistemi eleştiren, tepkisini çeşitli eylem ve etkinliklerle dile getiren halkların üzerindeki baskı yeni yasal düzenlemelerle artıyor. Mevcut güvenlik yasaları, toplantı ve gösteri yasakları …

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-INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM FINAL DECLARATION The crisis in the current system deepens every day. As a result, the gap between the rulers and the ruled is widening. In many countries around the world, attacks against social opposition forces are also intensifying. The pressure on those who criticize the system and express their reaction through various actions and activities is increasing with …

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The International Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners organized a symposium in Stuttgart on March 18 with the participation of representatives from various countries

ATIK-UPOTUDAK organized an international symposium in Stuttgart, Germany, on March 18, the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners, with participants from the Philippines, Iran, Palestine, Kurdistan, Germany, Switzerland, and Turkey. The opening speech of the symposium, which was organized under the slogan “Freedom for political prisoners,” was made by the Co-chair of the Confederation of Turkish Workers in Europe. …

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This report is based on reports prepared by organisations such as the Human Rights Association of Turkey, the Platform of Lawyers for Freedom, the Association of Contemporary Lawyers, the Prison Commissions of Bar Associations and solidarity associations of prisoners’ relatives. The capitalist-imperialist system, drowning in crises, finds it more and more difficult to rule the vast masses of labourers every …

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ATİK – UPOTUDAK: 18 March; International Day of Political Prisoners, FREEDOM FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS!

18 March; International Day of Political Prisoner FREEDOM FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! Every year, on the International Day of Political Prisoners on 18 March, we have to face the reality that thousands of people in many countries of the world are imprisoned for their views and subjected to severe torture. Because the crisis in the current system is intensifying day …

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18 Mart Uluslararası Politik Tutsaklar Günü

TÜM POLİTİK TUTSAKLARA ÖZGÜRLÜK! Her yıl 18 Mart uluslararası politik tutsaklar gününde, dünyanın birçok ülkesinde binlerce insanın düşüncelerinden dolayı tutsak edilip, ağır işkencelere maruz kaldığının gerçekliğiyle karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Çünkü mevcut sistemdeki kriz her geçen gün yoğunlaşıyor. Bunun sonucunda da yönetenler ile yönetilenler arasındaki çelişkiler giderek daha da derinleşmektedir. Bundan dolayı, dünyanın pek çok ülkesinde toplumsal muhalif güçlere yönelik saldırılar …

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Resolution in Support of the Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria

Resolution in Support of the Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria Resolution of the United Front Webinar on 12.2.2023 Millions of people were affected by the 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023. Around 20 thousand people in Turkey and 4 thousand people in Syria lost their lives. Thousands of people were injured. There are …

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